Hi all! Jordan here. Great news! Our blog has an upgrade! It has been moved to http://fingerfoodforthought.wordpress.com!
Please visit the blog there for regular postings. As you know, Kayleen and I have tried blogging in various forms and formats with mixed results. With the big move to Indiana, things kind of got lost. We've taken what we've learned in the past and are starting something new and exciting to give Kayleen's writing career a new jump-start! And so, I'm happy to announce....
Kayleen is back to writing! On a regular basis. This makes me very very very very happy. She is a very talented writer and I think she has very much to share with the world. She loves writing and so many people love reading what she writes. We've arranged our schedules so that at least twice a week, I will be watching the kids for a couple of hours while Kayleen takes the laptop, leaves the house, and writes! She is slowly working on her novel and will be doing regular posts on Finger Food For Thought.
So what are you waiting for? Check it out!